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The “2 women of baby proofing,” serving Seattle and the surrounding area!
For 12 years Safety for Toddlers has been helping families create home environments that are safer for babies and toddlers. Innocent everyday settings take on a different hue when viewed in light of toddler safety. Becoming aware of possible dangers and taking steps to remedy them are key in preventing baby and toddler accidents.
best replica watch site 2023Safety for Toddlers offers at no charge a room-by-room consultation in the greater Seattle-Eastside Metro area (including: South Snohomish, North Bend, Des Moines and Kent). Outside of the Seattle-Eastside Metro perimeter, we do have a nominal fee for travel time. Consultation takes approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours to complete.
Safety for Toddlers has worked over the years through the medical community and with postpartum parent groups to build a reliable service oriented business. We give community service safety presentations around the Seattle-Eastside Metro area and have been interviewed on safety issues on local TV stations and in local newspapers. Our parent safety presentations take about 30-45 minutes.
Safety for Toddlers have in stock all of the better quality products suggested on your room by room courtesy visit from us. We offer products from over two dozen manufacturers that can be purchased and installed yourself or for an additional fee have us install some or all of the safety products. Contact us for an appointment!

See us at Workshops and Presentations.
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